This is the graphical representation of the basic payment flow. It uses our secure payment page so you will have no responsibility on the payment process.


Step 1 - Create the order

The first step is the order creation request. You will need to provide use all the basic details to bootstrap a transaction. We will send back to you a secure payment link pre-filled with all the provided details.

Step 2 - Complete payment page

We will collect, via payment page, all the credit card details and buyer additional information. We will then run the authentication and authorization with the bank institution

Step 3 - 3DS redirect

The customer bank will probably ask us to complete the 3ds verification. In that case we will redirect the user to the authentication page provided buy the bank institution. We will then listen for the result.

Step 4 - Payment callback

Once the user complete or fail the 3ds verification we will send you the payment callback with the last known status of the payment, we will also redirect the user back to your success page if provided.